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Boy of the Sea

A poem for my fifth subscriber.

if words were a wave

i’d ride them all day

from the first crack of dawn

that sweet morning song

of waves crashing opposite

the glorious sun;

when i was a boy,

i dreamt of a ploy

that would take me along

this epic journey the ocean is on.

as a man i discovered:

words are like water

they ebb and they flow

and try as you might

you just never know

where exactly they’ll go

with transformative power

and salty like tears

words can move mountains

and erode all the years

between what and who we were then

and what and who we are now.

when I discovered the joy

of riding these waves,

i realized that just like the ocean,

being one with source is all that it takes

to return to who i was, am, and always will be:

a wondrous, curious, wave-riding boy of the sea


Thank you


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